Jill's Sleep Out

raising funds to support homeless young people.

A collage of images of a woman and her dog sleeping outside
In association with the fantastic charity Roundabout Ltd, our wonderful colleague Jill Davis and her trusty dog Jasper joined the 60 plus volunteers who spent a very cold night sleeping rough, to raise awareness and funds for young people facing homelessness. Roundabout is a charity which supports over 300 young people aged 16-25 every day. They provide emergency accommodation in their hostel, support young people in residential projects in Sheffield and Rotherham and provide key services delivering comprehensive programmes of training, involvement and empowerment which help to prepare young people for independent living.

We're so proud of Jill, whose personal sponsorship has raised a whopping £1,143!

For more information on how Roundabout helps to support young people, or if you'd like to leave a donation, please visit www.roundabouthomeless.org

“Over 60 of you came on Friday, we know it was an extremely cold and uncomfortable night, but we hope it gave some insight into the difficulties faced by those affected by street homelessness. Along with raising vital awareness of our cause you’ve raised over £12,000 so far and sponsorship is still coming in."

Emily Bush
Events Fundraiser - Roundabout

At the Land & Co Foundation, we don't just offer financial assistance, but offer hands on help, time and experience with the aim to form lasting relationships with our beneficiaries. If you'd like to get in touch, please send us a message on hello@landandfoundation.org or on the contact form via our website.

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